Stadium Reports

Rumble Under the Dome

Rumble Under the Dome

“Balentien and Coach Yano have been ejected from the game.” What??? How do a big Dutchman and a little Japanese middle-aged man get tangled up, when it was lanky Shintaro Fujinami who threw one a little too close to Kazuhiro Hatakeyama’s head? It was the top of the fifth inning, no outs and a man…

Happy Birthday to… (Part 3)

Happy Birthday to… (Part 3)

Today, August 13, is Randy Messenger‘s 35th birthday. Happy birthday, big fella! We are so fortunate to have such a steady guy as the anchor of the pitching staff. Here’s a little run-down of Randy’s Hanshin accomplishments: Longest serving foreigner in club history (tied with Jeff Williams and Gene Bacque, but not for long!) Second…

Spring Training Days 1-6 — Pitchers

It was great to see many of the players up closely during the first week of spring training down in Okinawa last week. After terrible bouts with illness, I am finally ready to start processing what I saw and share it with you all. Part 1 was about the fielders (catchers excluded), this one will…

Spring Training Days 1-6 — Fielders

I was in Okinawa for the first week of spring training, but needed a day of recovery on February 4th. The players started on February 1st and are slated to bring things to a close on the 28th before returning to Kansai on February 29th. This session will look at the fielders, the next one at pitchers…

Spring Training Day 3 – Pitchers Walk By

I stood outside the clubhouse waiting for pitchers to walk past me. Hoped to get a comment or two from the foreign pitchers. Randy Messenger snubbed me, I double-pressed “record” when Marcos Mateo walked past so I got 0.5 seconds of video of him. Rafael Dolis actually said “thank you” to me. That is all….