Summer Koshien Tournament Cancelled

Summer Koshien Tournament Cancelled
May 20, 2020

Source: Sanspo

The Japan High School Baseball Federation held an online meeting on May 20 and determined that the summer tournament, scheduled to be held at Koshien Stadium from August 10, would be cancelled due to the spread of novel coronavirus. This is the third time in history that the tournament has been cancelled, and the first time since the end of World War II.

One reason that the tournament will follow in the steps of the spring tournament and not be held is that this is a national problem. Since the tournament involves teams coming from each prefecture nationwide, even holding the games behind closed doors presents major problems and risks. On top of that, some schools are still not even back in session, summer vacation could be shortened in order to make up for lost days, and some prefectures are unable to set dates for their local tournaments.

Although the number of new cases is on the decline, there are still parts of the country where the state of emergency has not been lifted. As a result, it became impossible to reverse the possibility that was presented earlier this month. The summer tournament was cancelled in 1918 due to the Rice Riots and also in 1941 as the war started to break out. (It was not held from 1942-45 due to the war.)

Another focal point for the committee was prefectural tournaments.

Regional baseball federations are now aiming to hold tournaments behind closed doors in August. Due to differences in infection rates, missed classes, and schools available to enter the tournament, it will not be the same as it normally is. Even if the whole tournament cannot be held, local federations will see what can be done to play at least a few games. They will have a manual ready concerning prevention of infection spreading, and should be able to cover costs despite playing without fans present.

Japan HS Baseball Federation chairman Yoshimasa Ogura commented in writing, saying, “We have attempted to explore all avenues and possibilities to hold the tournament. However, the final decision will be made by the committee after careful consideration.” There is expected to be an official press conference online at 6:00 pm this evening to formally announce the tournament’s cancellation.

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