Bring a Meal to Koshien – Limelight Bentos

Bring a Meal to Koshien – Limelight Bentos
April 8, 2016

UPDATE: As of the start of the 2018 season, Limelight Bentos is no longer in business near Koshien Stadium. This page will be updated again, should they reestablish themselves after construction is complete where they once were.

As this is the opening day at Koshien for the Hanshin Tigers, I thought it would be a good idea to plug my favorite place to get food before entering the stadium. Yes, that’s right, you can bring food in with you!

I’m not going to lie to you. Koshien Stadium has a pretty fun food menu at its dozens of food stalls. But I’m also going to be upfront with you about this: you’ll pay a pretty penny for a less-than-filling Toritani bento, Messenger ramen or Kanemoto kalbi (beef) box.

Looking for an American-sized (sorry, Texas not included) tray of food for a good price and in a convenient location? Look no further. No, you don’t have to line up for 30 minutes for your food at Daiei (Aeon?) anymore. Simply go to Limelight Koshien.

Meet my friends, BB and K. Since I first talked with them back around the end of the 2014 season, I have never stopped going back for delicious, inexpensive food and a bit of fun chatter on the side. BB told me they have been selling food outside the stadium for over 20 years now. BB himself makes the yakisoba (fried noodles, vegetables and meat) – which also comes in curry flavor. The menu also includes my personal favorite, chicken karaage (deep fried chicken chunks), which will fill the emptiest belly for just 650 yen.

Located across from the Tigers Alps Shop as you walk from Hanshin Koshien Station to Hanshin Koshien Stadium, you can’t get any more convenient than this! If you go there, tell them T-Ray the English Tigers fan sent you. Show them some love, everyone!




その1→ 美味しいです! 僕のオススメは唐揚げ弁当ですよー。焼きそばも天下一品で、経営しているBBさんの手作りだそうです。カレー味もあります!

その2→ 安いです! 球場の中にも確かにおいしいものがあってメニューは充実しています。しかし、ライムライトより倍ぐらい高いですよ〜!ライムライトのから弁は¥650という、野球観戦で考えたら爆安の値段です。

その3 → 量が多いです! 美味しくて安いだけではなく、どんなにお腹を空かせて球場に行くとしても、ライムライトの弁当を食べたら、財布も腹も幸せになります!

その4 → 便利です! 球場の向こう側にAEON(2017年5月末をもって閉店する見込みですが)があって、あそこでもお弁当を買うことが出来ますが… 30分くらいレジに並ぶ余裕ある?ライムライトはスーパーよりも球場まで距離が短いですよ〜!しかも、人気ながらも行列で並ばなくていい!

その5 → ナイスガーイズ! BBさんもKさんもとても優しくて話しやすい方で、阪神ファンですので、球場に行く前からタイガーストークで盛り上がることが出来ます。


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Comments 2

  1. MoeyoCD

    Looks good, I’ll take a tonkatsu! A great thing I remember about our trip to Koshien was bringing in my own beer. They provide the cups to pour into prior to entry. I really wish they did that at Safeco Field in Seattle. They have a great selection of beers at Safeco, but $10 a cup.

    • T-Ray

      It’s pretty amazing that they let you bring in almost anything you want! Kyocera Dome is much stricter and their drink options are fewer too…

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